2012, Issue 1 (13)
Problems of Economic Theory
M. Iskakov, A. Iskakov
Complete Solution of the Hotelling Problem: Equilibrium in Secure Strategies for the Price Subgame
V.I. Danilov
Outcast Condition in the Choice Theory
Studies of the Russian Economy
V. Sokolov
The Impact of Central Bank Liquidity Infusions on Banks with High Level of Foreign Borrowing during the Crisis
M.I. Stolbov
Financial Accelerator Theory and the Russian Mortgage Market
Issues of Economic Policy
Yu. Simachev, M. Kuzyk
The State Anti-Crisis Support of Russian Companies: Assistance and Restrictions
E.V. Balatsky, N.A. Ekimova
The Global University Rankings: the Problem of Manipulation
Hot Topic
Round Table: Ownership, Problems of Corporate Governance and Investment Climate in Russia
Ya.Sh. Pappe
Fundamental Changes in Russian Big Business in 2000s and Progress in Corporate Governance
R.I. Kapelyushnikov
Property Rights’ Insecurity and Its Economic Effects: Russian Experience
C. Sprenger
Corporate Governance Russia: of First-order Importance
T.G. Dolgopyatova
Corporate Conflicts and Risks for Dominant Owners
A.A. Yakovlev
To Restore Dialogue with Business and to Create Proper Incentives for Public Officials
V.L. Tambovtsev
Protection of Property Rights and Investment Climate in Russia
A.V. Kuznetsov
Protection of Property Rights and Investment Climate in Russia
B.A. Kheyfets
Measures to Improve Investment Climate: International Practices and Russian Experience
G.B. Morozov
Abuse of Right in Post-Soviet Russia as Threat to National Security
Academic Affairs
To Leonid V. Kantorovich 100-th Anniversary
V.M. Polterovich
Kantorovich’s Theory of Optimal Resource Allocation Within the History of Economic Thought
B.A. Samokish
Leonid Kantorovich and Numerical Analysis
O.K. Daugavet, I.V. Romanovskiy
On the Activity and Works of L.V. Kantorovich in Computer Programming
Academician N.Ya. Petrakov’s 75-th Anniversary: Our Congratulations
M.Yu. Golovnin
Research and Practice Conference "Economic Journal as Institute" devoted to 3-year anniversary of the Journal of the New Economic Association
Journal of the NEA
Contents for Nrs. 1–12