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2010, Issue 8


Problems of Economic Theory


V.D. Matveenko

Stimulating Mechanisms in Ecologically Motivated Regulation: Will Ecological Policies in Transition and Developing Countries Become Efficient?



A.A. Friedman

Water-Saving Technology and Efficient Tariffs



Studies of the Russian Economy


E.T. Gurvich, I.V. Prilepskiy

What Determined the Depth of Recession?



T.G. Dolgopyatova

Concentration of Ownership in Russian Industry: Firm-Level Evolution



Issues of Economic Policy


Z. Fungachova, L. Solanko

Has Banks' Financial Intermediation Improved in Russia?



T.M. Maleva, O.V. Sinyavskaya

Pension Age Increase: Pro et Contra



Hot Topic

Roundtable Discussion. Education and Science: Problems of Reforming


T.L. Klyachko

Professional Education: to Be Reformed Again?


I.V. Abankina

Innovation Economics and Universities' Industrial Model: Compatibility Test


Ye.V. Balatsky

Higher Education Rationing Problem


V.Yu. Muzichuk

Draft «On Education»: Iteration 2


A.D. Nekipelov

Modernizing Fundamental Research in Russia (the Standpoint of the Russian Academy of Sciences)


V.L. Makarov

About Institutions of Science and Education Sphere


A.M. Libman

Economics in Germany - from National to Global


A.Ye. Varshavsky

Problems of Science: RAS and Higher Educational Institutions


V.M. Polterovich

Economics in Russia: Globalization Costs and RAS Reforms


Academic Affairs

A.M. Libman

Is There a Room for Political Economy in Contemporary Economics? (About NEA -IE RAS Conference)


M.S. Mit'kina

The New Economic Association Expert Council on Economic Reforms Has Started Work


Our Interviews


History of Collective Choice Theory. Interview with Professor Maurice Salles



The twelfth All-Russian Symposium «Strategic Planning and Enterprise Development»

New Economic Association
